My numbers continue to improve as weight is dropping along with body fat percentage.  After lifting hard yesterday, though, I decided not to go for an hour long cardio run this morning but scaled it back to a nice walk with the wife and the “puppy” (well, she’s not really a puppy at 3 years old but we still call her that because she is still as cute as when we got her at 8 weeks =)

The walk is good as I need to work on my cardio output.  If I can keep my heart at (180 – my age) and do this for an hour per day then I will lower my resting heart rate and improve my cardio output which, in turn, should help me manage the aging of my body!

I’m getting a little more bold.  Today I did eat half a salad from Subway since it fit the macros.  We’ll see what tomorrow’s numbers hold!

Here are my metrics for today:





Body fat%

Skeletal muscle%

Blood pressure

