Aggh! I had a work event to go to last night (Brewers vs Pirates at Miller Park) and, of course I found it difficult to not eat anything with people. I limited myself to just one brat and chorizo sausage with some onions and peppers. I lost nothing today! My weight and body fat were the same as yesterday.
I better double down this week and show some progress. I am only 10 pounds away from my goal and approaching the halfway point (Day 21) of my 6 week journey. The net loss is on track with what I expected (about 0.33 – 0.5 lb per day or going from 158 down to 137 by the end) which means that at Day 19 I should be at around 148.5 so I shouldn’t complain.
The math of “calories in vs calories out” works out to about 1/3 of a pound per day since I’m expending about 2000 calories and consuming 800 which yields a caloric deficit of about 1200 calories a day which is roughly 1/3 (1200 calorie deficit / 3500 calories) in a lb of fat per day.
OK, well, time to apply some more discipline after a Father’s Day diet debacle and now a Brewer’s game diet debacle back to back =P Game on! I know I can do this!
Here are my metrics for today:
Body fat%
Skeletal muscle%
Blood pressure