OK, maybe things weren’t quite as bad as I thought from my binge weekend.

I was down 3 pounds today and weighed in at 144.  This is in stark contrast to being up 3.6 pounds over the weekend.  Very puzzling as I didn’t do anything differently.

Today was sprint day.  I try to sprint 2-3 times per week.  Any more than that and my body can’t take it.  I find that sprints help my metabolism stay “super-charged” throughout the rest of the day and are a very efficient form of exercise.

My sprints are anywhere from 40 meters to 100 meters (in all honesty more close to the 50 meter mark than to the 100 meter mark!)  I typically will sprint the distance (right outside my house on the asphalt) and then walk back to the starting line and then immediately go again.  I’ll get in about 8-12 sprints during sprint day (and cover roughly a mile or so with the combined sprinting and walking)

While I’m nowhere near as fast as I used to be it is still important for me to push myself as our speed and reflexes age over time.  Sprinting regularly will help slow down my loss of speed as I grow older.

It does wonder for fat loss, too!  (Just Google “High Intensity Interval Training” and you’ll get a ton of info!

Here are my metrics for today:





Body fat%

Skeletal muscle%

Blood pressure

