Well, I think I’ve done gone and proved it.

Once a cheater…always a cheater.

Yup.  I couldn’t resist.  It is 4th of July weekend and, sure enough, with everyone coming over for lots of fanfare and feasting, I could not control myself and only eat the 800 calories I’m supposed to eat per day while on this HCG Diet.

I pride myself on having fairly good self-control.  Still, I must, with equal force, also admit my limitations.

I suck in a social situation when it comes to dieting.

Lesson learned in order for me to succeed – don’t be in an environment where I’m subject to lots of eating celebrations with others.

In other words, I need to be on a diet that allows me some flexibility for “cheat days” (or even “cheat weekends”).

Still, I’m not overly concerned.  I have 2 weeks left and am still confident that I can come close to hitting my goal of 135 pounds and 5% – 7% body fat range (I give a range because of the variation I have from measuring on my Garmin Connect Scale (which I can use every day) vs on the “gold standard” GE Lunar iDXA scanner for body composition wh/ I’ll use at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee after I’m done with this diet)).