HCG Diet – Day 32

Well, I’m back in the saddle today after a 4 day weekend of gorging, not because I was hungry so much as I was in social “party” situations over the 4th of July weekend and was just eating with family and friends. I was a whopping 7 pounds higher than I should have been (147 […]

HCG Diet – Day 31

It’s the 4th of July today!  In the spirit of freedom I won’t be dieting and will continue my weekend downward slide.  But, hey, I’ll catch up if I get back on to my 800 calorie diet. Here are my metrics for today: Pictures Diet Exercise Weight Body fat% Skeletal muscle% Blood pressure Measurements Waist

HCG Diet – Day 30

My need to finish.  Probably somewhat of an Asperger’s trait.  Nearly uncontrollable. Especially when it comes to leftovers. Not good when you’re on a diet.  Doubly not good when your kids habitually don’t finish their dinners – and then you’re forced to finish them since one of your roles as Dad is to play “trashcan.” […]

HCG Diet – Day 29

Well, I think I’ve done gone and proved it. Once a cheater…always a cheater. Yup.  I couldn’t resist.  It is 4th of July weekend and, sure enough, with everyone coming over for lots of fanfare and feasting, I could not control myself and only eat the 800 calories I’m supposed to eat per day while […]

HCG Diet – Day 28

Can’t believe it’s the first day of July already!  Man, where does the time go?  The HCG Diet is chugging along for me.  Today I broke into the 140’s at 140.9 and hit 10.0% body fat!  Wow, not bad coming down from 158-ish and 18% body fat in just 4 weeks. The question is, “will […]

HCG Diet – Day 27

Back to breaking new performance barriers! Today marked my lowest weight yet and lowest body fat since going on the HCG Diet.  I felt pretty good about that especially given the slight shock (and guilt) I faced over the weekend when I pigged out during a party.   Also, I went in for my weekly […]

HCG Diet – Day 26

Slow and steady wins the race. Even though so many people like HIIT (which I talked about in my previous post) there is, contrary to popular belief, still lots of benefit to long, steady distance (LSD).  It’s great for lowering your resting heart rate! So, mine has dropped from about 70 to 55 since I […]

HCG Diet – Day 25

OK, maybe things weren’t quite as bad as I thought from my binge weekend. I was down 3 pounds today and weighed in at 144.  This is in stark contrast to being up 3.6 pounds over the weekend.  Very puzzling as I didn’t do anything differently. Today was sprint day.  I try to sprint 2-3 […]

HCG Diet – Day 24

You’ve heard the saying, “Pigs get slopped but hogs get slaughtered,” right? Man, was I slaughtered and served up as the main course this weekend. The consequences of me “cheating” this weekend at my son’s party really smacked me upside the head this Monday morning.  Guess how much my weight was up from my binge-eating, […]

HCG Diet – Day 23

Man, I suck.  Threw a family party this week for my son who was back from college for only 3 days.  We had everyone over and it was a great time.  However, I decided to chuck the HCG Diet for the weekend and ate like a pig. I am such a loser. It’s not like […]